Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Signs I need to get more sleep #271

Last night, I fell asleep on the couch at around 8:00. I figured that this would only be a short nap, but it turns out that I was asleep until 3:50 this morning, when I got up, did about 5 minutes of work then put on The Bourne Supremacy on Cinemax onDemand. I watched it for a soild hour (and then some), before falling back asleep, and not easily getting up this morning for work at 8:10. 3 cups of coffee later, and I'm ready to tackle the day.

I drove to work today competely on auto-pilot. I realized this about 10 minutes in, when I noticed that instead of going to work (in Stamford), my car was about to get on 116 (to the high school). Oops. I guess that's sign #272.


Anonymous said...

mmm auto pilot. i told you my auto pilot story...fortunately, it didn't happen twice

Anonymous said...

i desire more posts.

Anonymous said...

no more sleep just keep partying, mabye call me once in a while, and to go off of the cocktail party blog, my sisters gone for like 12 days, i should be throwing a dinner party at some point this week if your available for some appletinis and fancy dinner, it will be jacket casual. hope to see you soone