Friday, August 25, 2006


I am currently in Florida, land of ridiculous concepts and bad drivers. Hey, lets put both of these together, says one company, and let's see what happens. Enter Rent-n-Roll, your local full service rim and tire rental store. I wish I was making this shit up. Too poor to actually buy a nice car with sick rims? Now you can take those same sick rims and put them on your piece of shit car! I really wish I was making this up, because it is so fucking ridiculous.

Who does this, I mean honestly. I think this is one of the worst concepts of a business I have ever seen, and the worst part? I'm sure they will be doing great business down here.

You know what else I noticed. I was lying in bed with my eyes closed, and my Dad was surfing channels, and stopped on Springer for a second. All that show is is one person in the audience screaming whatever his or her heart desires, and the entire rest of the audience picking up on it. Like a cult or something. The topic, and people on stage are merely a catalyst into this groupthink.

All for now. More to come later, I'm sure.

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