Thursday, November 06, 2008
Yes we can
"After Barack Obama's victory I think we might have reached the moment for a coloured 007" - Daniel Craig
Thank you Barack for setting this in motion. I'm sure Daniel Craig thanks you.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Help Me Wolf Blitzer, You're My Only Hope...
What's one way to get a roomful of drunk Obama supporters instantly quiet? A hologram.

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ben and Jerry's decides against 'Mother's Milk' flavored Ice Cream
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Astrology is not Astronomy / Great Business Plans
Jonathan Chase had this to say: "Being commissioned by NASA to produce the 'Astrology Rap' was a great compliment."
1) Astrology is not Astronomy. You are now confusing people, making it hard to understand
2) Astrobiology is hard to understand!! Yes, because it is astrobiology.
Dear NASA,
I hope you come to terms that Astrobiology just might be hard for some people to understand. It's ok to be who you are and you should be comfortable with that.
p.s thanks for paying for this video; I particularly liked the dancing green alien and the clip art
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Daddy, when I grow up can I be a Toilet-Paper researcher?
yes, 3-ply toilet paper!!
No, that is not a typo. The amount of plys has increased by 50%. Toilet paper researchers have done it! They have toiled countless hours; dealing with the fiber matrix and the softness scale and have found a way to increase the amount of plys.
For further reading:
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Shameless promotion
What do these words all have in common? Answer, they do not describe Chad Johnson, WR for the Cincinnati Bengals. Already in this post I have in fact made an error. There is no Chad Johnson anymore; his name is legally changed to Chad Ocho-Cinco; 85 in spanish and it is his uniform number. I very much dislike you Chad Ocho-Cinco.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Gas Prices too motherfucking high
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I don't want to blame it all on 9/11...but it certainly didn't help
"We had guys that committed and then all of a sudden 9/11 happened, and then there were injuries" - Larry Brown.
Brown poorly aseembled a team lacking long range shooters and defenders. Perhaps that and personal hubris are to blame among the ever increasing talent in international basketball. Or... it could be 9/11.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Today's Moment of Zen
NBC Olympics: Men's 20km Race Walk
Newsflash: Chinese Gymnasts not 16
Nobody's really sure why the I.O.C. has suddenly begun investigating now, after the gymnastics competition is over. Perhaps it was Nastia Liukin's dad, who was mad that she didn't win gold medals. Or maybe an Olympic official was listening to Bela Karolyi when he semi-coherently stated his opnion on NBC that the Chinese team was entirely too young. You can find the video here. Please watch it, it's hilarious.
Oh? But the Chinese government provided passports to prove that the girls were of age, you say? Isn't this the same government who put some pretty girl out to lip-sync the national anthem, because the singer was too ugly? I think they could whip up a passport or two in their spare time.
But honestly, who cares? Even if the I.O.C. finds wrong-doing--which they probably will, and then subsequently not publicize--nothing will happen. We're going to continue begging China to invest in the dollar and they're going to continue doing whatever the hell they want. Because there's really no point into launching an investigation that will cost time, and money, and will end with no net change.
Source: The New York Times
Thursday, August 21, 2008
You Have too Many Facebook Apps
Take Exhibit A, below. This was taken from the the

And you know what, friend? I didn't write on your wall. Because I couldn't find it. So you missed out on a perfectly good wall post, which I'm sure you're keeping track of. Because that's how vain you are.
This is part one of our one part series on too many Facebook apps.
Alternate Side of the Street Parking
Friday, August 15, 2008
Thank you for helping me clean up the place
I would just like to take a second to thank you for helping me remove some of the clutter from the apartment we all used to occupy. I know that the place was a bit cramped, but we made the best of it didn't we?
So as we're clearing out the apartment, thanks for also helping me get rid of some of my stuff--the four bottles of wine that you took from my wine box. I probably would have never gotten around to drinking them anyway. But more importantly--thanks for leaving the one with the screw top. After all, I wouldn't have been able to get it open, because you probably also took my cork screw.
When you open the 2004 Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon, please make sure to decant it for at least two hours prior to drinking it. Although I got it as a birthday present 2 years ago, I know you'll be able to derive more value out of it than I would ever be able to. Before it's opened, you should probably chill it slightly, to about 67 degrees, in order to release the full complexity of the grapes.
The Twisted Oak white should be chilled to anywhere between 45 and 50 degrees. Drink it immediately after opening, and make sure to savor the crisp refreshing blend of California grapes. I've found that this particular bottle tends towards the dryer side of the spectrum so it will probably go nice with a sharp cheese. I could also envision it going lovely with a rich chicken dish. But after all, it's your bottle now so use at your discretion.
The two Latin American reds both should be decanted for anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours. I can't remember the names of them, but one was a delicious, spicy rich wine, i believe coming from Argentina. It's also very moderately priced, if you like it, I hope you continue to buy it. It's one of my favorites, please enjoy it. The other one, probably the most expensive bottle in my collection, has been aging for about 3 years. I was going to open it when I graduated. But it's probably too complex for my palate anyway, so please take it, and enjoy it with my complements.
Anyway, I'm glad that you're able to enjoy one of my favorite past times. Ben, because you told me when you were really drunk that you were taking a class to learn about wines at Cornell in the fall, I'm going to go ahead and assume it was you. I hope you can enjoy and savor them as much as I was going to.
Have a great semester!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy (Day 3)
Diamond in the Rough
Run of the mill times article...
Boring paragraph
Boring paragraph...due to lucky weather patterns, pollution is not a problem at all in Beijing, just hype.
Blah blah blah, nothing newsworthy.
Wait for it:
"The World Anti-Doping Agency, which is supporting Rundell’s Viagra research, is considering banning it as a performance-enhancer"
That's a direct quote, from about halfway down the article. Viagra--a performance-enhancer. In other news, the sky is still blue and you do, in fact, still have to pay taxes.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Apples, Carl Sagan, and the 4th Dimension (Day 2)
Dear D.C. Cabbies (again)
Example #1: Stopping at every light that looks like it might turn yellow sort of soon. Maybe. One plus of the zone system was that when you got in a cab, you got to your destination fast. Because they understood that more fares = more money. For some reason, with the time and distance meters cab drivers think the paradigm has changed. It hasn't.
Every time a cab driver picks up a fare, that's $4.00. The flag drop costs $3.00, and the gas surcharge is another $1. When you stop at the light, its 25 cents a minute. Using logic, one might think that the goal is to get to your destination as quick as possible to get another easy $4.00. Cab driver logic dictates otherwise.
Example #2: Inching forward at that red light you just stopped at. As far as I can remember, this never happened under the zone system. I don't really know why it happens now. For one, it wears out the brakes faster, and the transmission for that matter. For another, being a passenger, it's really annoying and provides a disincentive to tip well.
The only cab driver logic I can think of to justify this is that if the wheels are rolling, then it's increased distance on the meter. Here's the thing: it's not. The meter only calculates distance when the car is going 10 m.p.h or faster (hence why NYC cabbies drive so fast) so it's really not doing anything. Except annoying the shit out of me.
So in summation, cab drivers, please stop sucking so bad, because in the end you're only hurting yourselves.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
10 videos in 10 days - 1 2 3 4
monsters walking across the floor
I love counting, counting to the number 4
Feist on yesterday's episode of Sesame Street
Sunday, August 03, 2008
It's The Economy, Stupid
Apparently, the root of our economic trouble is the fact that CNBC has a 24 hour news scroll and bloggers are the 21st century version of malcontents. It's not like the country's top lending institutions have been just completely screwing the little guy. It's not like car companies have resisted mile-per-gallon improvements for years, and when oil prices suddenly shoot up because of increased worldwide demand, the American driver takes a bath. No, it's clearly the fault of the news media, and the consumer who watches it. It's never big business's fault.
Well, as Stan pointed out, it could be worse. We could be living with the threat of nuclear war with the Soviets. We could be living during the time of the Crusades. Tell that to someone who could be only days away from losing his/her house or job. You can console their homelessness with the fact that at least they won't have to go to the Middle East and try and take back Jerusalem.
Comrade Bing suggests ignorance. Only watch 45 minutes of news a day. Don't read blogs. Take a soma holiday. This is exactly the type of thought process that got us into our current financial situation in the first place.
Just one more thing before I sign off here, Stanley says that "Three-quarters of our economy is built upon our willingness to part with our money in exchange for goods and services." What I'm still trying to figure out is, what's the other quarter based on?
So, "Get out there every goddamn weekend and pump as much money as you can back into the economy." Too bad it's money that you probably don't have to begin with.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Oh so emo...
According to a recent article by The Guardian, "Emo kids were described as teenagers who wear black, have facial piercings and black hair with fringes that "cover half the face." Certainily infringing their apathy onto others with those loose fringes.
Well Russia thinks so apparently...A new Russian law could make being an emo kid illegal. The law would regulate emo websites and ban emo and goth dress style in schools and government buildings. I hardly think throwing some teenagers in the goulag is going to brighten up Russia. How does Russia not identify with the bleakness of emo anyway; Russia is not exactly a cornucopia of colors, bright spirits, and enthusiasm. Russia, embrace your emoness; your joie de vive is your lack thereof.
Until then...
To all emo kids,
Watch your back.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
The Most Adorable Thing I've Seen All Week
On the lighter side, my wallet is still missing in lower Manhattan and I've got a bunch of stitches what was my 'good' foot.
But seriously, so adorable.
Monday, June 30, 2008
a years supply...
It's really unfortunate Jeopardy couldn't afford to bulk up that prize with a year's suppy of calendars, christmas trees, or colonoscopies.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Bear Sterns reorganizes into NLL Team
I really meant to post this a while ago, as now it's just a bit timely:
Bear Avoids Collapse as Lacrosse Team Thumps Lehman
This is a legitimate news story, from Bloomberg, a very respected financial news outlet. Read the article. Please. For me. It might as well be out of The Onion. Let me just give you a taste. This is the actual opening paragraph:
June 11 (Bloomberg) -- Bear Stearns Cos.' lacrosse team beat Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. 11-4 last night, a rare piece of good news for workers at the now-defunct Wall Street firm.If this doesn't catch you, I don't know what will.
As it turns out Bear Sterns is better at lacrosse then they were at investing. And now they're defunct. I guess that's what happens when you stray away from your core business. At least we can take solace in the fact that if these guys can't find work on Wall Street, there's still a chance they can make it to the limelight during the "Game of the Week" broadcast on Versus.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Finally a program where I get to watch Greg Brady juggle...
Putting aside this peculiar theme song issue; the glut of horrid programming today is atrocious. On the train ride home today I perused through the tv listings on the back cover of the post. Here is what I found...
1) Farmer Wants a Wife: No wonder the CW is behind in ratings to not only the major networks, but also Univision. The summary provided, "The girls participate in a tractor race." Thrilling.
2) Living Lohan: reality program featuring the trainwreck that spawns more trainwrecks.
3) Celebrity Circus: Finally a vehicle to display the acrobatic and circus talents of joey fatone, greg brady, and a slew of "oh yeah, I remember that guy."
4) Russian Roulette: Game show where the if the contenstants miss questions the floor beneath them disappears and they fall to their doom. Only, it's not their doom, and more of a ball pit. Change ball pit to doom and we have a winner.
I think the old man had alzheimers.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Missing my son...
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Hey, What'd You do Last Night?
As it turns out, I still can't say no to an invitation to a bar, so Camille (in her pajamas), Jack, and I depart for Marshall's, in a 4ride no less. As it turns out a $50,000 annual tuition check also includes a complimentary ride or two to the bar.
Jack, who is by no means an alcoholic, literally knows everyone that works at Marshall's. Everyone. It's reminiscent of my freshman days at the Exchange--more on that never. So we sit down with some drinks and begin to talk about what we always talk about--nothing. That's where it all went downhill.
Enter: jockish looking white guy who already appears to be kind of wasted. This gentleman comes up to Jack, and asks him to referee a game called who can finish an Irish Car Bomb faster. Sure, why the hell not. Cool, that takes 4.5 seconds and we return to our regularly scheduled drinking.
The guy sticks around and continues conversing with us, it appears Jack may or may not know him (it was hard to tell), so we indulge in his conversational whims. As it turns out he looks jocky because he in the Army and recently got back from Iraq. He's talking to us for a while shooting the shit and what not, when out of nowhere, the idea of the "Triathlon" enters the conversation. For you who remain unenlightened--and I was at the time--it's one of each of the following drank in quick succession:
- Irish Car Bomb
- Jager Bomb
- Pint of Beer
So Camille, the already somewhat tipsy, Irish diehard that she is decides she can stand up to the hard drinking, U.S. Army Infantryman that is already undressing her with his eyes.
She clearly lost.
Now Captain America's putting the moves on. I'll spare you most of the details but I will say that an Eiffel Tower was discussed--seriously. If you need to ask, go to urban dictionary. Oh and the subject of his wife and young child came up. The kid's named Killian. You know, like the beer. Apparently its not cheating if its a threesome. Anyway, at last, a moment of opportunity: G.I. Joe goes to the bathroom, I grab Camille and we catch a cab the hell out of dodge without saying goodbye to anyone. Another boring ending to an otherwise bizarre set of circumstances.
Moral of the Story: Make sure you always have necessary cab fare for emergencies.
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
London Mayor a Party Pooper

This is the beginning of a slippery slope in London. The next thing you know, having a couple beers at lunch on a workday will be socially unacceptable. And then out of nowhere, all drinking will be banned in bars and pubs. It's a slippery slope Mayor Johnson, one that you don't want to go down.
In conclusion, it sucks that drinking has been banned on public transport, because that was one really cool thing about London. As Bob Crow, the Rail Maritime and Transport Union's Leader put it, "Perhaps the mayor will come out with his underpants on over his trousers like Superman one Saturday to show us how it should be done, and maybe tell a crowd of Liverpool supporters that they can't drink on the train."
Original Article here:
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Clinton easily wins Puerto Rico and Puerto Rico Doesn't Care!
This was taken from the frontpage of
"She (Hillary), former President Bill Clinton and their daughter, Chelsea, spent a combined 15 days in the commonwealth hoping to keep her relevant in the contest"
Voting officials did not expect a large turnout with most residents choosing to stay home.
The entire Clinton clan was clearly necessary to be in Puerto Rico to clinch the commonwealth with it's low level of voter engagement and high degree of voter protest.
Way to go Hillary, for taking a 15 day vacation...
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Continual Abuse of Expectant Mother Parking
As I entered in today a young lady pulled into the one of the reserved spaces. She got out and didn't appear to be pregnant with anything, maybe emotion.Of course I confronted her over this and I found out she is 5 weeks along. I have very little pregnant experience but 5 weeks doesn't seem like such a strain. She said she is pregnant and has every right to park there.Now that I don't care for.
There needs to be statutes and protocals in place to prevent this flagrant abuser. Where does it end; some scofflaw could be trying to institute parking there at conception. How about any girl who expects to have children at some point?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Stop Correcting My Grammar
The following example is one that really just drives me off the wall:
Me: Hey do you want to meet me and Larry (the awesome bartender) at the Ebbitt for some delicious half off raw bar and drinks?
Idiot: It's Larry and I.
Me: You don't even know who he is!
The thing is, it's not Larry and I, you idiot. You could make the case that it should be "Larry and me," but to be honest with you, I just feel weird saying that. In the written form, I or me should always go last, but I think the English gurus give us a little more latitude when the spoken word.
It isn't Larry and I, and it's never going to be. Why not? Just take out Larry and see if it still makes sense. "Hey do you want to meet I?" No dice Chicago.
So if you're going to correct someone, make sure a. you're right, and b. it won't make you look like a total elitist.
We hope you enjoyed today's grammar lesson, and remember, if you don't have something nice to say, then don't say it. Unless you can support it with facts.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Food Fight Gone Global
Proof that I spend entirely too much time on the Internet. Then again, whatever. Of all the YouTube drivel I watch on a day-to-day basis, this clip is definitely one of the cooler ones.
Imagine every battle we've fought from World War II to the present day. Now condense it down to five minutes. Also, instead of people fighting, it's representative foods. Not going to lie, it's pretty cool. So if you have a minute and are bored, check it out.
Quick Hint: The Lox and Bagels are Israel. Because it's Jewish.
Need more? The official website should help you out if you happen to suck at history. What the Battles Represent Which Food is Which Country
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Found: Bookish Sexual Deviant...
I found this delight of an advertisement in the third floor men's room at the Barnes & Noble in Georgetown. Sorry the picture is so film noir, but I had to mess with the exposure settings in order for it to become more readable.
Just when I thought that bathroom advertisements had fallen out of fashion, or had at least been replaced by TV's inside stalls playing ESPN News, this gem pops up. In a rather classy establishment no less. In case you can't tell, its written on one of those toilet seat condom holders. You know, the really thin paper things that crinkle every time you move, making sure everyone in the bathroom knows that 1. you're taking a shit and 2. you're not comfortable putting your ass on the seat.
Ref by: (Charles)"
I don't have the balls to call the number, but if you do, let me know. I would be very interested to learn how it pans out.
This little invitation gets my stupid around town tag for coming straight out of 1996. "Charles" should really know that a much better way of getting "Sunshine" to turn tricks for cash is Craigslist Casual Encounters (Both Pops into a new window and is DEFINITELY Not Safe For Work).
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Breaking News: Stereotype Once Again Confirmed
Below is the actual promotional photo. It is clear the program has somthing to do with tetas, and also apparently cell phones.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Time 100 Most Influential People: Really?
Much like Time Magazine the briefs on each honoree is concise, mildly witty, and is complete with a nice photo to distract you.
What it really comes down to is the real movers and shakers aren't always in the limelight, and as a result Time does not care. I'm sure Kaka is great soccer player and it's nice that Loren Ochoa cares about kids staying in schools while golfing, but something tells me they aren't influencing the world as much as Time thinks.
Where Time got it right:
1) Mark Zuckerberg: Changed model of social networking. Facebook daily attracts more and more users and is linking people at an exponential rate. Myspace remains slow, slutty, and filled with too many bad bands who just can't seem to make it.
2) Carlos Slim: The man who has more money than Bill Gates isn't on the list for shaping telecommunications, he is on for influencing social reform. Carlos isn't simply donating money, he is spearheading poverty fighting programs and using cellular technology as a type of remittance in Mexico.
3) Ratan Tata: Chairman of India's Tata Group, the man helped develop the $2,500 car. The car is blistering fast with a 0 to 43 (yes, 43) clocking in at 14 seconds and no air bag or seemingly any features. The deluxe version includes an air conditioner, but no power steering. It will spur mass motorization in the developing world, aggravate pollution, and maybe even a little climate change. That's influence.
Where did they go wrong:
This list could be much longer, for the sake of brevity let's go right to Mariah
1) Mariah Carey: Really? Really, was Time scrounging for people at this point. Were the editors stuck at 99 and Glitter turned on the television. "I can barely read, I have people for that anyway" - Mariah Carey
2) Peter Gabriel: Solsbury Hill is a good song and Genesis was certainly better with Peter on vocals. Reading his article I still don't know why he is on the list. Is a white guy from england who is interested in african music that infuential? Fact: no.
3) George Mitchell: In last week's episode of 30 Rock Jack goes to work for the Bush administration and notices a leak dripping in the office. His new colleague, played by Matthew Broderick, informs Jack that there is not a leak and he can show him the study to confirm that. George Mitchell is not listend among Putin, Clinton, and Obama. He is not listed in the leaders secition because he is listed in the Heroes and Pioneers section. Much like the fictional "Leak Negating" report in 30 rock, the mitchell report did not clean up baseball. It released some names all garnered primarily from one witnesss, who was doing the injecting himself.
Oh and the person who has made the list the most...
Oprah. (6 times, the next closest is Bush, Gates, Hillary, Steve Jobs, Condi, and Jintao at 4)
D.C. Cabs (not the movie)
So what does this mean for your average D.C. cab rider? Basically nothing. Under the auspices of a very quietly released study, the Taxicab Commission found that under the current meter system, the average price of a cab ride is nearly identical to that of a zone system. Which means still absurdly expensive.
One of the goals of switching to the meter was to get rid of some of the surcharges that plague us today. The gas surcharge, the rush hour surcharge, the additional passenger surcharge, and most importantly, the “You’re drunk (and/or a tourists) and I’m going to fuck you over” surcharge—where does it end? Well, thanks to the new regulations, it doesn’t. The gas surcharge is still in place, and so is the absurdist of absurd, the additional passenger surcharge. Rush Hour might still be in place, and I know that drivers are really going to try and use the drunk surcharge as often as possible.

So why do we need the per-person fares on top of this?
Cabbies should be trying to get as many short distance rides as possible. Instead, they’re trying to get as many big groups as possible. This system is, quite simply, doomed to failure.
The average cab fare in New York is $6.00. The average cab fare in Washington is $11.83. Why? Perhaps it’s because D.C. is bigger geographically than New York. Or does D.C. have a higher cost of living than Manhattan? Or perhaps it’s because cabbies need to charge that much per fare in order to make a decent living. Why would that be? Especially with the K Street crowd, cabs are a highly sought after form of transportation in D.C. For one thing the Metro closes at midnight and unless you want to take the bus (and who knows where those run?), a cab is your only bet. So that leads me to believe that there is a drastic oversupply of taxis in the district, meaning that they have to charge higher fares to survive.
Assuming that average fares dropped to $6.00 a trip, Cabbies would need to pick up twice as many fares to earn the same amount of money, ceteris paribus. If there was a somewhat normal number of cabs per person in D.C., then making up the additional revenue would be extremely difficult. The demand for cab service, in my opinion, leans towards the inelastic side, and dropping rates by half will not cause ridership to double. However, according to a Progressive Review article (LINK) that I wholeheartedly disagree with, D.C. has 1 cab for every 75 citizens. New York, on the other hand, has 1 cab for every 600—London and Paris have similar proportions.
Are D.C. Residents eight times as likely as likely as New Yorkers to take a cab places?
My solution, would then to increase barriers to entry to reduce the oversupply of taxis in the district. Perhaps that way I could get a cabbie who actually knows where the address I give him is, or that the car I’m in is younger than I am (more on that in a bit). New York has medallions, London has The Knowledge (LINK), D.C. has a piece of paper that says sign here on it, and then you get your cab license—I just made that up but it sure feels that way.
Furthermore, district cabs fall way behind in other categories compared to other cities. For one thing, they’re really shitty cars. Not only that, but they’re old and falling apart. On a recently rainy evening, I was in a cab where water was literally coming in from the ceiling. And I’ve been in dozens of cabs where the suspension was completely shot, the seats were ripped, the windows didn’t work, or the car just looked thoroughly distressed. This is what I’m paying a premium for?
By both reducing the number of cabs on the street, and the overall cost of trips, D.C. cabbies could be making a whole lot more money. Besides that, with lower trip costs coupled with cleaner cabs and nicer drivers, the money made on tips could increase greatly. A solution like this would benefit both drivers and riders, and at the end of the day, isn’t that what we all want?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Epitome of Cool
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Very Modest

I mean most of the time when you have a niche, expensive product, you don't actively advertise it on the label. Even when it's just expensive, you don't tout it on the packaging. Take Gray Goose for example. Gray Goose (quite possibly the most overpriced vodka on the market) relies on word of mouth, a pretty bottle and a certain amount of undeserved cache to find its way into $9 vodka tonics.
You might as well spray paint the following on a Rolls Royce:
Very Expensive
British Car Made by the Germans
You'll Get Laid, Guaranteed.
On a different note, there's been a lot of hubbub about Alltel Wireless. It's not that I have anything against the company (except that fuckass Chad). So besides from being stupid, and not knowing what I'm talking about, if you could at least help me understand why you're so passionate about your phone company, It'd really help me understand all the commotion.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Who The Hell Has Alltel Wireless?
To be honest, I just don't know how they keep paying for advertising. Seriously, can you name anyone that has Alltel? Start asking around. If you know someone who has Alltel, have them get a hold of me. I wonder if they look different.
So I did a little research and this is what I found out: They are the 5th largest cell phone provider in the country. If you can name more than 5 cell phone providers, I'd be amazed. Alltel has 13 million subscribers (or so they claim...), which is half as many as the next largest provider, T-Mobile, which was 27 million subscribers. There isn't an Alltel store within 50 miles of New York City or Washington, D.C. On the other hand, AT&T has 4 stores within 5 miles of downtown Little Rock, AR--home of the headquarters of Alltel Wireless.
I've really got to wonder about Alltel's marketing strategy. Why blanket the northeast with advertisements if you can't even actualize any interest you do manage to drum up. It's just so frustrating, as someone who wants to be in advertising, watching a company like that completely shit the bed.
That's all for now, but after a short hiatus, we here at A Clean, Well Lighted Place will be coming back in force. And I'm proud to say that we are in fact a we.
Monday, April 14, 2008
The Guilty Look-Away
I was watching Mad Men, a brilliant show about the employees, their spouses, and other romances at Sterling Cooper, a fictional 1960's advertising agency. There's this scene where Don (the main character) is sitting at the kitchen table with his wife. She tells him that her best friend found out her husband is cheating on her. (Don isn't particularly virtuous himself.) She then asks him why a man would do that to someone he loves. He looks at her, dead in the eyes, and says I don't know why.
Then I caught it. Or at the very least, I projected. He said his piece, and then just for a fraction of a second, he looked away. Didn't turn his head, he didn't even blink. Look at someone, and then imagine a clock in the distance somewhere behind that person's head. Now glance at the clock just for a second, not even enough time to process what time it was. That's the tell.

It's that one momentary lapse of concentration. It always happens. You get bored, or you think you're staring too intensely. But, damn, the second you look away, it's over. It's like you just got slimed on one of those Nickelodeon shows I used to watch. And be honest, so did you. Except instead of slime, its guilt. And it's still green, and it's all over your face.
We've all done it. I've done it, you've done it. But then I got to thinking, is this always true? (Here's where the aforementioned narrowing of the focus comes into play.) Then I realized that this is an affliction that solely affects men. I don't ever think I've seen a woman fall into this unsafe behavior. And I don't think I've ever done the look-away on another guy. So the Guilty Look-Away. Only to be used by men, on women.
Why is that? Why don't women do it? Well probably because they're smarter, more in control, and better liars. And why don't men do it to other men? Well, my guess is that extended eye contact between guys just gets awkward. We usually have talks while doing other things. Like having a beer watching a football game. Or having a beer at the bar. Or perhaps even having a beer rebuilding that '63 Mustang that's been sitting in the garage for the last 10 years. The point is men don't have a great deal of eye contact with other men. I don't really know why.
And that is precisely why we're complete rubbish at it. Maybe we're not very well practiced, or maybe men have some innate inability to be competent liars. Or maybe we just feel bad about what we've done.
Regardless, at one point or another, we have all performed the Guilty Look-Away or at least witnessed one first hand.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Crayola Mathematics
If you flip it, and always go "Blue-Red-Red" you will always end up at the green dot.

(you've definitely already tried to stump it)
Monday, March 24, 2008
I Just Wanted to Destory Something Beautiful

The New York Times, today, featured a piece about how the Wall Street Journal is changing, and "evolving" as one Murdoch flunkie so eloquently put it. Apparently the Journal is evolving into just another USA Today--but with slightly fewer graphs. The newspaper is trending towards much more political news, less business news, and shorter stories. And now they're going to heavily revamp...excuse me, evolve, the Marketplace section into lord knows what. I love the Marketplace section, it's full of random tidbits and 'soft' business news-fun stuff.
Murdoch is killing the Wall Street Journal. It's the Wall Street Journal, not the Main Street USA Journal or the Something Else That Gets Me Really Angry Journal. And what is Wall Street known for? Business. People read the Journal for its detailed business information, and if that's not what the Journal is doing, then they are moving far away from their core demographic.
Don't get me wrong, I don't love the fact that the Journal's editorial pages are horribly slanted right (actually I hate it), but that's not why I read it. The Journal's investigative techniques are top-notch and there is just so much damn information in each piece, I love it.
And now all that is going to change? What's next, the Money & Investments section turns into the Comics section? I'm telling you, the more I think about it, the more this paper isn't worth my 70% off student home subscription rate. ( if you're interested)
Read the whole article here: click the headline, pops into a new window
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Movies You Really Should Watch
After about a week (month) or so of watching movies nobody's heard of and thinking that everyone should watch them, I had a thought: what if I just like bad movies? Maybe that's why they're not popular and never took off. Well, some/most of these movies have won awards (I know because I looked it up), so I figured maybe I don't like bad movies, maybe just artsy shit that's not meant for popular consumption. Well that could be true, but because you're reading this, I'm hoping we're on the same wavelength (even if just a little bit). Maybe they just had bad marketing campaigns. Regardless, I consider these films real gems that most people aren't even cognisant of. But should be. So without further adieu:
Underrated Movies You Should Watch: (clicking on the title opens the trailer in a new window)
Metropolis (1927) - Yes it's silent, yes it's black and white, but it's so good. I'm not sure if you'd call it a dystopian future, but it's a society where the "workers" and "thinkers" (read: proletariat vs the bourgeoisie) are completely separated which, needless to say, causes some problems. Brilliantly done, Fritz Lang is a genius. Watch it, it's one of my favorites. (Warning, kind of shitty trailer)
The Lives of Others (Die Leben des Andern)- Yet another German film, but much newer. It won an Academy Award last year for Best Foreign Film, and it's brilliant. It's the story of an East German Stasi agent who is assigned to monitor an intellectual. It's a an in depth look into human soul and doing the right thing blah blah blah. Brilliant cinematography and I totally got engrossed in the movie. So good. Also, the director's name is Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck. And I mean you can't compete with that shit.
The Science of Sleep (La Science des rêves)- A French(ish) film screaming of surrealism depicting the trials and tribulations of a young man unwilling to accept the responsibilities of adulthood. There is actually no blue screening in this movie, and all the dream sequences were stop action and/or really done, which is amazing. Watch the trailer to understand what I'm talking about. Starring Charlotte Gainsbourgh and Gael Garcia Bernal this is a film you watch and just say awwww at the end. (I've already written about this one, so you really should have watched it)
Something The Lord Made - Finally, an American addition to the list. I actually just found out that this is an HBO made-for-TV movie, which would explain it's poor box office performance, but I really like it. Starring Alan Rickman (Snape in Harry Potter) and Mos Def, it tells the true story of the first heart bypass surgery. Great casting and a truly touching story. Bad trailer and poor quality. It was the best I could find. Sorry.
Pi - One of Darren Aronofsky's earliest movies (He's the guy that did Requiem for a Dream). Awesome and fascinating. After watching it 3 or 4 times, I've decided that it's about man's quest to understand his environment, and Pi is just a vehicle to help attain that goal. I actually first watched this movie in English class as an example of surrealism. Though I can't really qualify the movie as surrealistic or not, it's really worth watching.
Kind Hearts and Coronets - Another black and white film (did I mention that Pi was black & white too?), starring Alec Guinness (Obi Wan Kenobi) as 9 of the main characters. Seriously. Dark humor and dry wit at their finest, this movie is about one man's ascension to power. And so much more.
Titus - A true to form adaptation/modernization of Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus (heads up: it's a tragedy). The main character, Titus, is played by Anthony Hopkins and is scarily good. The main bad guy, Emperor Saturnine, is played by Alan "I have a gigantic nose" Cummings, and is also brilliant. A story about loyalty, tradition, lust, betrayal, and a ton of bloodshed, (I swear I wrote this before looking at the trailer) the movie's both long and worth it.
The Triplets of Belleville (Les Triplettes de Belleville) - French, beautifully animated, mostly silent (but in color), beautiful film. Just watch the trailer.
I mean I'm sure I could put a lot more on if I put the thought/time/effort into it, but it's late, and I'm tired, ergo this is what you get.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Why is gasoline so cheap?
Sure crude will be $115 a barrel in the coming weeks and the nations average for gas is probably around $3.20 a gallon, but isn't that really cheap. Think about how much goes into getting that gas to you; expensive and dangerous drilling somewhere around the world, shipping it to a refining plant, and then shipping it halway across the globe again to a truck to deliver it to a location no doubt within a couple of miles of you.
After all this for a gallon of gas, the price to move you 20 or so miles in your own car for only a dollar more than the average rountrip metro ride for you dc folk, people complain regularly while gin continues to run me $80 dollars a gallon; and you really can't drive anywhere with a gallon of gin.
Fuck complaining about gasoline, complain about orange juice, Worcestershire Sauce, and extra virgin olive oil.
Gallon of Liquid - Price
Poland Spring - $1.99
Regular Gasoline - $3.29
2% Milk - $3.99
Tropicana Grovestand (extra pulp) - $5.99
Odwalla Mango Madness - $16.99
Starbucks Mocha Frappucinno - $34.83
Worcestershire Sauce - $47.34
Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil - $59.99
Bombay Saphire Gin - $79.99
Chateau Cheval Blanc 03' - $1,700.00
Clinique Repairware Anti Aging Makeup - $2,432.39
Burberry Touch for Men Cologne - $3,742.85
Krazy Glue - $4,005.51
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The End is Nigh?
The thing is, all these 'disaster' specials always end up with humans continuing to you know, live, and do our thing. Suddenly all that's changed.
Over the last couple of weeks, I've seen two specials dealing with the effects of what would happen if humans completely vanished today. Or maybe tomorrow.
The first one, History Channel's Life After People originally aired January 21, 2008. The show's opening lines announce that it "isn't the story of how we might vanish, it is the story of what happens to the world we leave behind." I actually found the entire show on Google Video, so Click Here (pops) to watch it in full. Pretty cool. The show finds some pretty fascinating experts who talk about the power failing, household pets, buildings, bridges, and landmarks falling apart, and the last surviving signs of man--apparently the Hoover Dam is one of them.
The other. National Geographic's Aftermath: Population Zero, which originally aired like last night or something. Maybe two nights ago. Whatever. Problem #1: They talked entirely way too much about how after I disappear my dog will either die slowly trapped in my house, break out and join a vicious gang, or break out and be eaten by said vicious gang. Problem #2: No legitimizing scientist-types. The entire show was narrated by some quasi-legitimate narrator guy. How am I supposed to know what his qualifications are? Problem #3: No full length video to be easily found and linked to.
Overall, while I did watch both shows, and while they did keep my attention, I must say I liked the History Channel show much better. It dealt with the actual collapse of our infrastructure much better. We see why concrete doesn't last as long, how long it takes metal to rust to the point of collapse, etc. The Nat Geo show more focused on the types of wildlife that we were decimating and how they're doing much better now. Though I must say, I learned an interesting fact: the background noise from large sailing vessels' engines can actually interfere with whales' mating calls, even hundreds of miles away. Oops.
I just hope that both the History Channel and Nat Geo don't have some top secret information, and they're just showing us the not-so-distant future. Because, I mean, that would be, like, bad.
Stay tuned next week for a discussion about using your ordinary household cell phone as an emergency flotation device.
Monday, March 03, 2008
Pay it forward? Fuck that, stock up.
Take for example the events that occurred over the last 36 hours or so. It may be less, but I'm too lazy to subtract it out. Maybe it's closer to 25 hours. Whatever.
Last night, I got off of work at around 1:00am, and got back to Farragut West at around 1:30, give or take. Swiping out of the turnstile, I see two people staring at the fare machine, apparently trying to figure out how to add value to their Metro cards. If it was me, I wouldn't like being in the position, so I stopped, and walked them through the process. No big deal. It was late, they were trying to catch the next train out (like 2 minutes away), and I was in no particular rush. It must be my Connecticut upbringing. Anyway, I didn't even give the whole thing a second thought--that is, until tonight.
Big night tonight. I took the girlfriend out to eat in Georgetown at this Vietnamese restaurant. (Full disclosure: I had already eaten so I sat there and watched her.) Anyway, little did I know it, but I had left my Blackberry (yeah, yeah, I have one) sitting on the table at the restaurant. About half a block away, this guy--who clearly didn't work at the restaurant--came running up to us and asked, "Is this your phone?" Amazing! I hadn't even thought about it, and I would have never dreamed of looking at the restaurant.
I really do believe that good things do happen to good people (most of the time), and that good deeds repay each other.
So in conclusion, don't pay good deeds forward, rather, collect back-pay.
Oh and one more thing. How rude of me. Please welcome Jason as our newest full-time writer. That puts our numbers up to two. Jason's an overall great guy (even if you don't know him, you know him, you know?), and along with being a lot smarter than I am, he has some really cool insights and perspectives.
That's all for now, but be sure to stay tuned next week for: When Blondes Attack: An Introspective
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Postcards and Jason: An Introduction
Is their an official transfer of ownership to the English Postal service and the USPS washes their hands of the situation? Are expatriate USPS postman roaming the streets of london ensuring that Suzy knows that Joan "wishes she was here?"
I asked my friendly neighborhood postal clerk Linda, and she said that for international mailings they exchange the letters at a point equidistant between the two countries, in this case somewhere over the Atlantic but she was not sure of the precie meridian. It was either that or that it would be 92 cents to mail my letter.
As you may notice I am not the usual author. I am Jason. I enjoy science and books with built in fabric bookmarks
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Dancing Queen
Showing perseverance and a sheer will of character that probably spills into every aspect of life, this woman successfully fended off the advances of either 5 or 6 different men. Oh, it also has a funny ending. The clip is only 30 seconds long, but I think it definitely sends the point across--very clearly. Enjoy.
Stupid Around Town

You can redefine what it means to be a lawyer. (you just have to get into law school first)
It doesn't translate well into text, but I am really frustrated by this ad. Let's first discuss graphics. The woman is either sleep-walking or Ray Charles, standing in front of a building that is supposed to be a law office, but strikes me as just looking like Funger Hall. What are you telling me by this? That even people who cruise (or sleep) through life can be lawyers too? Or perhaps we're supposed to marvel at how all law books now have braille versions available? Point is, bad graphics, 1. it's not leading me anywhere and 2. it's not saying anything about being a lawyer.
More importantly, I think the advert is just a bold-faced lie. You can't redefine what it means to be a lawyer. Neither can I, nobody can. It's pretty established what a lawyer does. For instance, you can't wake up one day (after having gotten into law school, per the advertisement), and say, "Lawyers will now all manage hotels." Well, of course, you can say that, but that's not the point. The point is that lawyers won't manage hotels, they won't wash cars, they won't even trade stocks or be doctors. Lawyers will do law. You can't redefine that. Even if you're in law school.
So congratulations LSAT prep course, whose name I accidentally cropped out of the picture, for doing something dumb enough for me to devote an entire new section of my blog to stupid things.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Two Treats
So if I was you, which I'm not, I would be asking, "What the fuck are these?" Well that's a great question. The first one is James Earl Jones counting to ten, and the second one is, well, you're just going to have to see for yourself. Needless to say, both of these were on Sesame Street.
I do so enjoy these little throwbacks to my childhood (or slightly before). It was a time when they taught about important shit, like counting and the alphabet, how to ride the subway, and what Louis Gossett, Jr. is still doing on TV.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
GW Hatchet Breaking News
I hope we all know about the tragic events that happened at Northern Illinois University this past Thursday. I think that's something people would consider "Breaking News". And furthermore, it happened at a college, so it's college breaking news. Before I continue, let's get this straight, I am not trying to make light of the situation at all.
What I am trying to do is understand why nine hours after this, the GW Hatchet, our bastion of editorial something or another, would send out a Breaking News alert informing us that the University received money for renovations. I'm not kidding. Here's the email I got: (as always, clicking on it makes it bigger)

I mean talk about a misinterpretation of breaking news. Even if they didn't have a story for the shootings (I don't believe Hatchet writers can come up with something that fast), but they could have canceled the email. Or perhaps renamed it to: "Not even close to Breaking News".
Everyone at GW keeps talking about sensitivity. Sensitivity to this, sensitivity to that. How about sensitivity to realize that this might not qualify as "breaking".
Anyway, that's my little thing. You stay trashy, GW Hatchet.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Tooth-to-Gum Ratio
It's the 'tooth-to-gum' ratio, and it could not be more important. I find that even otherwise attractive women can have problems in this department, and there is regretfully very little that can be done about it. I'm sure men can be afflicted with poor tooth-to-gum ratios, but honestly, I don't pay attention to men's mouths a whole hell of a lot.
What it is:
The tooth-to-gum ratio addresses the size of the teeth compared to the visible gum line. I personally am in heavy favor of the teeth compared to gum, but for each person, I'm sure it's a little different. Most of the time its like, whatever, not really noticeable. But when you have an extremely out of balance t-to-g ratio (favoring the g), it's just a very unflattering look.
An example:

I guess really my point is that I don't like seeing too much of your gums when you smile. I don't know why. And neither do you. So do you have small chicklet teeth and huge brontosaurus gums like this girl? My advice: stop smiling.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Horrible News!

A tragic, time-lost accident has occured at our beloved construction site on F Sreet. Recently, there was some kind of fiasco, which resulted in the lost-time clock being reset to 3. It has now been stuck at 3 days for a couple days, so I just hope that that poor soul is OK--and not an illegal immigrant.
Quick Note: There was a lot more to this post when I decided to write it 36 hours ago.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Deep Thoughts
Firstly, I'm getting frustrated with the difference between lead and lead. I mean it's very clear when its spoken because lead is pronounced dissimilarly from lead, but it's very difficult to understand when typed. Because lets face it, lead means one thing while lead means something entirely different. It is crucial to differentiate.
For example, one of the many people on my buddy list whose away messages i compulsively check but haven't talked to in months (oh, did we as a society move past that) had the following away message the other night (or something similar): "lead is on hillary". Now how am I supposed to interpret that. Are you a Clinton fan with poor grammatical ability, and want to let me know that Hillary is leading in the delegate count? Or perhaps you are alerting me to the fact Mrs. Clinton was involved in a tragic factory accident and is now buried underneath several tons of plumbum (Latin for lead, stay with me here).
This is just one of may questions we may never have the answers to.
Secondly, some good news. While trawling for some classical music to listen to (I love classical, but I don't know the name of anything or who composed it) I found this radio station I used to listen to all the time when I was just a wee lad. Not only did I find it, but it's one of the basic ones on iTunes. It's called WQXR, and it's broadcast on 96.3 FM in New York. I remember listening to June LaBelle going to bed, and getting really confused when I learned about Patti. Anyway, the late night personality is different, but the music's just as good.
For some reason this odd comedy album that I found a couple of years ago rooting around my parents' old shit popped in my head. Its called, "Don't Smoke Dope, Fry Your Hair", and it's by Franklyn Ajaye. Goodnight!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Thank You For Calling 4Ride
If you go to George Washington, you've heard this guy. Several times. I just listened to him saying the same thing over, and over, waiting to talk to the whore who sends me my delightful free ride. Today, I listened to him for 10 minutes. Ten solid minutes.
Why? Actually, my Why? divides into two parts: The first why is why do I have to listen to this annoying guy more than once? I mean the GW phone system actually has pretty good hold music. It's mostly jazz. I like it. And trust me, I'm not going to forget the fact that I'm on hold with 4Ride. Also, I don't care that there are North and South Shuttles. They have really stupid routes and I don't think I'll ever use it. So stop telling me about it.
Secondly, why do I have to hold for so damn long. Freshman year, and even sophomore year, hold time was at most 3-5 minutes, not 10. I mean I'd say it took me about 25 to 30 seconds to convey where I was going, where I was, my last name, and how many people I was (just one tonight). Are you trying to tell me that there were 20 people ahead of me, waiting for a 4Ride themselves. This wasn't even peak time mind you, it was Sunday night at like 11:00.
So that tells me the 4Ride system is broken. Either it is understaffed, which could very well be true, or the staff is just completely incompetent. If it's understaffed, then either hire another dispatcher, more drivers, or both. I mean with what we're charged, I think the school can afford it. If they're incompetent people (which I wouldn't be surprised about at all), fire them and hire more competant ones. Maybe we could offer them a higher starting salary. I mean I think the school can afford it. After all we're footing the $8 million bill to renovate Alumni House so that President Knapp can move in and then move out a year and a half later because he can't take the noise.
Enough of that. On to happier things like the fact that I had an amazing birthday this weekend and I got a job (tentatively) as a marketing intern at a fairly legit law firm. Actually a really legit law firm. Well, I'll bore you with another subject in another post. Until then, until then.
Monday, February 04, 2008
We Have Worked 36 Days Without a Lost Time Injury

Looks pretty straight-forward, the appearances are even good, with the "6" pushed all the way to the end so it seems like its ready to be replaced with a nice old seven. Well let me tell you this, appearances can be deceiving. It has been about a week and a half since they updated this thing. That's not even everything!
Before there were 36 days, there weren't 35. No sir, that sign was blank until someone arbitrarily threw that 36 up there to add legitimacy. And that legitimacy disappeared in the two and a half weeks it's stayed 36 days.
So because this post doesn't really have a point, I'll make one. Don't put the sign up if you're not going to be honest about it. There might be some young lad that is just fascinated how long you can go without a time lost injury, and you're ruining his dreams, Clark Construction, ruining his dreams.
In other news, this blog has fought long and hard for legitimacy, and the other day, it was achieved! The Audi Superbowl Commercial was officially the 100th post to this fair blog (and just think, it only took 2 1/2 years). Anyway, thats all for now, but you never know when I'll update again. Until then.
Truth in Engineering
Quite possibly my favorite commercial from the Superbowl, this Audi R8 commercial puts together two of my favorite elements: classic bad ass movies and new bad ass cars.
Anyway, it happens to be 2:47 in the am and I need to go to bed. Until next time.
UPDATE: The actor in the ad is none other than Alex Rocco, the original cast member from The Godfather who woke up in bed with the head of his beloved horse. Bad ass.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Days of Future Passed
I was trying to immerse myself in the 20's. I really wish we would return to times like that. Everyone just seems so much more civilized back then. Everything just seemed so much more classy. People dressed up to fly on planes. Men still held doors open for women. Your "Sunday Best" was actually your Sunday best. And Mia Farrow, Sam Waterston, and that other guy epitomized that for me.
Anyway, the reason this whole situation's ironic is because my reminiscing is being stopped by a piece of modern technology. Understand? Anyway, I've said my piece, and I don't care whether you enjoyed it or not.
Monday, January 28, 2008
I leave you with this passage I snagged from the Science of Sleep. I encountered it randomly and found great truth in it:
P. S. R. Parallel Synchronized Randomness. An interesting brain rarity and our subject for today. Two people walk in opposite directions at the same time and then they make the same decision at the same time. Then they correct it, and then they correct it, and then they correct it, and then they correct it, and then they correct it. Basically, in a mathematical world these two little guys will stay looped for the end of time. The brain is the most complex thing in the universe and it's right behind the nose. Fascinating!