Sunday, June 22, 2008

Bear Sterns reorganizes into NLL Team

(NLL of course standing for National Lacrosse League)

I really meant to post this a while ago, as now it's just a bit timely:

Bear Avoids Collapse as Lacrosse Team Thumps Lehman

This is a legitimate news story, from Bloomberg, a very respected financial news outlet. Read the article. Please. For me. It might as well be out of The Onion. Let me just give you a taste. This is the actual opening paragraph:
June 11 (Bloomberg) -- Bear Stearns Cos.' lacrosse team beat Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. 11-4 last night, a rare piece of good news for workers at the now-defunct Wall Street firm.
If this doesn't catch you, I don't know what will.

As it turns out Bear Sterns is better at lacrosse then they were at investing. And now they're defunct. I guess that's what happens when you stray away from your core business. At least we can take solace in the fact that if these guys can't find work on Wall Street, there's still a chance they can make it to the limelight during the "Game of the Week" broadcast on Versus.

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