I hope we all know about the tragic events that happened at Northern Illinois University this past Thursday. I think that's something people would consider "Breaking News". And furthermore, it happened at a college, so it's college breaking news. Before I continue, let's get this straight, I am not trying to make light of the situation at all.
What I am trying to do is understand why nine hours after this, the GW Hatchet, our bastion of editorial something or another, would send out a Breaking News alert informing us that the University received money for renovations. I'm not kidding. Here's the email I got: (as always, clicking on it makes it bigger)

I mean talk about a misinterpretation of breaking news. Even if they didn't have a story for the shootings (I don't believe Hatchet writers can come up with something that fast), but they could have canceled the email. Or perhaps renamed it to: "Not even close to Breaking News".
Everyone at GW keeps talking about sensitivity. Sensitivity to this, sensitivity to that. How about sensitivity to realize that this might not qualify as "breaking".
Anyway, that's my little thing. You stay trashy, GW Hatchet.
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