Thursday, December 06, 2007

Oh Connecticut

Here I am, watching more late night TV, which we've already established I shouldn't be doing. Today's choice is True Life: I'm the New Kid in Town. The on screen guide informed me that "Grace and her family move from Connecticut to New Zealand." Obviously the first question all the New Zealand girls ask Grace is where shes from. Her answer, "Basically right outside New York" really justified my existence.

Also, I respect the fact that MTV decided to subtitle half the things these faux-Australians were saying, because really, it just turns into gibberish after a point.

This girl is so awkward. Shes flirting (or trying to at least) with this guy. Shes talking like 200 miles a second and is trying to mock his accent. He's also speaking rather fast, which is difficult because hes incomprehsible.

In other news, I drove my car today for the first time since I got out of the hospital. It was good, and shifting was much less difficult than I had originally suspected. Well the show's almost over and I should really go to bed, so I guess that's the end of this post. Goodbye!


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm Grace's friend and I just want to let you know that you have this entire thing way off. I mean have you EVER been a teenager before? Of course it's awkward, that's basically the point of teenage existence. Mock MTV all you want but Grace is just a normal teenaged girl and doesn't deserve this treatment.

Anonymous said...

faux-Australians??? Not even close.