Saturday, December 22, 2007


There are actually two awesome things that I wish to share with you tonight. The first is the introduction of the awesome* label for posts. It's awesome* because lets be honest, I'm pretty fucking weird and most of the shit I find awesome (sans asterisk) is probably only enjoyed by me. Anyway, onwards and upwards.

Geriatric1927: You've heard of the old man of the sea (note: I really don't care that its really the old man and the sea), well this is the old man of YouTube. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that he was born in 1927, which makes him understandably geriatric. Oh and he's also British. Amazing! His explanation video is short and sweet. He essentially got addicted to YouTube and now has his own video log. It is so easy to just listen to his old man British accent and listen to him explain the world through his eyes. Oh and he's got almost a hundred videos (maybe he has more now) so there's lots of material to keep you (me) interested. Awesome*!

Korova Milkbar: So as it turns out, the two awesome* things turned into three. Have you seen A Clockwork Orange, because I have. And I love it. Anyway, somewhere in the first 15 minutes of the film, there is a scene where Alex and his Droogs are at this rather intriguing place called, you guessed it, the Korova Milkbar. I just found out today that it's a real place! The downside is that it's no longer on the Lower East Side, and it's moved to White Plains. Anyway the place sounds awesome and I want to go there.

That's about all that's new and awesome* in my life right now. Until next time.

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