Over the past 128 hours I have compiled a detailed list in a Moleskine notebook of all the tasks I want to complete by the end of the calendar year, my birthday, and the end of the fiscal year5. Many of these projects I can complete in my bedroom, some in my parents yard, but there is a large chunk that probably dictate the need for an industrial warehouse. Also I want to have an office in an industrial warehouse.
In my mind this warehouse is already setup in appropriate (probably the only appropriate) manner as an office. Consisting of:
1. Ceiling height of at least 20 feet
2. One of those large switches that turns on every light in the building at once, with that really awesome noise as the lights cascade across
3. Two large desks in the center (facing each other(Jordan’s and my personal desk))
4. A manual operating elevator would be nice but not necessary
5. Uniformed night watchman with a basset hound (probably asleep nearly all the time (and with that big flashlight)
6. A generator
7. BBC America (HD preferred)
8. Vintage turntable and tube speakers
9. Green accountants lamp
10. Jim Jarmusch riding in circles on a bicycle

I think I can really get a lot done in this environment.
1 When I originally wrote this post, this was the only sentence, the concept and the necessity seemed self explanatory. It was later brought to attention that this is in fact not the case.
2 I’ve also decided to start employing detailed foot notes3 in the steps of David Foster Wallace4.
3 Meta-Meta blogs are probably the wave of the future
4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Foster_Wallace
5 Fiscal Year ending March 31st. Really only listed so I can have a list of three as I quite rightfully so give a fuck about the oxford comma
also blogger should have an icon for super scripts and some scripts so you don't have to write it in html
I've got a friend who rents a warehouse in Philly for less than I rent my rowhome. I think this is a thing you can do with relative ease.
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