My homepage is BBC world news, Brit Pop/Rock3 is often emanating from my office, and I think I did mention that the new DB9's5 subtle changes enhance an already elegant style.
Outside of the cultural interest what I think is more fitting and telling is the ethos of approaching everyday tasks. I enjoy the approach that is somewhat inflexible in nature to conform to a tradition that is steeped in the correct or optimal way of doing something. The degrees of inflexibility forces one to adapt and more important take the time to think about approach.
Understanding that the larger incremental extra time to properly brew a cup of tea6, make a cocktail, and to maintain a degree of chivalry7 and demure might only a peripheral difference.
While these last details may be noticed by few, if anyone at all, it is the process that is important. It is the unwavering attention to detail and to craft. It is the focus that yields the benefit.
I was thinking about the Village Green Preservation Society8 late last night, or early morning depending on how you look at it. The general theme is about mssing the village green in an English countryside and all the simple people and things we used to know. Sherlock Holmes english speaking vernacular, vaudeville, and strawberry jam to name a few. It's about the details that we would miss and so quickly overlook when we start accepting more and receive less.

location: 5th avenue across from Saks10
1 Anglophile2 n. One who admires England, its people, and its culture
2 Ironically the word is french in origin and was first seen in Revue des Deux Mondes in 1867
3 Usual suspects of beatles, rollings stones, stone roses4, and the like
Glastonbury 2011? please, would be epic...
5 subtle, clean, distinctive and it even has four seats!
6 the detail is all in the brew temperature. I really want this:
7 I've always tried to maintain a degree of manners and sophistication. I think it makes a difference and I enjoy it as well. Handwritten thank you cards are so much better than an email, and it is an apporpriate excuse to maintain a well stocked stationary set, a pen, and an oversized desk
9 perfectly sweet and not included on the album.
10 I thought about getting a car so I could think about parking there