Sunday, May 18, 2008

Found: Bookish Sexual Deviant...

...If interested, please inquire within.

I found this delight of an advertisement in the third floor men's room at the Barnes & Noble in Georgetown. Sorry the picture is so film noir, but I had to mess with the exposure settings in order for it to become more readable.

Just when I thought that bathroom advertisements had fallen out of fashion, or had at least been replaced by TV's inside stalls playing ESPN News, this gem pops up. In a rather classy establishment no less. In case you can't tell, its written on one of those toilet seat condom holders. You know, the really thin paper things that crinkle every time you move, making sure everyone in the bathroom knows that 1. you're taking a shit and 2. you're not comfortable putting your ass on the seat.

"202-271-3000 Sunshine
Sucks Good Dick
Ref by: (Charles)"

I don't have the balls to call the number, but if you do, let me know. I would be very interested to learn how it pans out.

This little invitation gets my stupid around town tag for coming straight out of 1996. "Charles" should really know that a much better way of getting "Sunshine" to turn tricks for cash is Craigslist Casual Encounters (Both Pops into a new window and is DEFINITELY Not Safe For Work).


Shawna said...

I must admit, I prefer the "missed connections." My favorite was an encounter in the men's bathroom at GW's Marvin Center. Longing looks, red T shirt...

I'm not sure if I would be flattered or creeped out if I found a missed connection about me. As for casual encounters, there's only so much I want to read about toe-sucking and BBW.

Shiva K said...

hey i used to work across the street at NGB.. too bad guys i'm not the culprit