Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Stalling Part Deux

Okay, let's see how much I've gotten done since my last post. Oh right, nothing. Anyway, during my nothingness, I happened to stumble upon my friend's blog. Relentless is a highly quality composition that I can best describe as the trials and tribulations of a high school senior.

It really is amazing that not even two years ago, this was me. Well that's not true. Less than two years ago, I was a much less insightful more caddy version of this. Now that's not particularly amazing at all.

I wish I could say that all the pressure and stress of high school will go away when you graduate. But let's be honest. College isn't exactly a breeze, and I sometimes feel that we party so hard only to blow off all the accumulated steam from the week. And then work. Work sucks, there's no way around it. But, using the Nuremburg defense, it pays the mortgage.

I'm just bitching because I really don't want to finish writing this paper. Shit. I'm going to run to 7Eleven (or is it Seven11) to get another Redbull.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I eagerly await the "kick ass party" post.