I'm going to begin with Exhibit A: 51st State's 10 cent wings:

OK, this is pretty self explanatory, and not particularly funny. It was Tuesday night, there were 10 cent wings. We got them. It is important to note that by the time our story picks up, they have been sitting on the table for about two hours.
Moving along, here we are, sitting at this long table, and we had kind of merged with the table sitting next to us, making a very large group of vague association. People kept coming over and chatting with us and what not, at least somebody knew everyone, it worked out well. So anyway, this very drunk girl comes over to our end, and sees the wings and lunges for them. No problem, we weren't eating them, feel free. The problem is, however that she dipped it in the blue cheese dip. Normally not a problem but tonight is no ordinary night. There was no ashtray on the table, so after we finished eating the wings, the smokers used the blue cheese dip as an ashtray.
Exhibit B: The blue cheese right after the girl dipped into it.

Sorry for the quality of the pictures, they were taken on my cell phone in a dark bar, and I was pretty drunk.
That's amazing.
If you think about it, the consumption of the cigarrette ash is just as harmful as smoking one. Obviously, anyone would prefer the latter, that drunk bitch didn't have a choice, which makes this story even funnier (she had no idea what was going on!)
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