Unfortunately, at work, there are limited options for communicating with the outside world (or worse, keeping yourself entertained). I am fortunate enough to be able to use any means at my disposal, but not all are so fortunate. Therefore, the vast majority of my time here at work is consumed by two sources: Google Chat and Facebook.
This week, both of them shit the bed.
It started off with GChat. One second, we're all talking having a grand old time, the next thing you know, we were trapped in Google limbo, able to connect to the GChat application, but unable to even start a conversation, let alone chat with several people.
And then, not even 48 hours later, the unthinkable happened: Facebook crashed. All around the world, interns were forced to do real work, walls could not be posted to and *gasp* pictures from that totally awesome party last night could not be posted. It was a catastrophe.
Suddenly, like Hurricane Katrina, as soon as this glitch appeared, it vanished. World order was restored, the flood waters were receding, and the looting was returning to normal levels.
I guess there's really only one lesson to take away from this week of weeks. The real world really is just like Office Space.